Friday, September 30, 2016

Are You and Your Family Ready for Fall?

Good Friday morning.  Ready for Fall?  What activities do you have planned?  (See 11 FREE offerings today to add to your scrapping!)

Fall has come!

When my kids were growing up, the big thing on our agenda for Fall was vacationing.  Prices dropped at that time, due to kids going back to school, and vacation spots not being as full.  We took advantage of this time to enjoy our family vacation.  And we didn’t have to fight the crowds.

But maybe you’ve already had your vacation, so that’s not on your list to do at this time of year.

When I was growing up, my parents had Wednesday night as “game night”.  TV was off, and we had a large Carom board which had a ton of games you could play.

When this week night was first announced, we were not that happy about it.  But once we began playing, it was so much fun, and we enjoyed it very much.

We also had “learning to cook” night.  My mother bought a cookbook for kids, and she would get the ingredients for one of the recipes, and we would cook together.  I actually enjoyed that a lot, and I kind of became the “official” cook in my later teen years.

If you’re looking for other activities, do a search to find something that might interest you.

This is not just for parents and kids, but a great way to pass some time for grandparents with their grandchildren.

Of course, you know, I’m going to tell you to keep the camera handy.

Not only is this a good way to create some scrapable memories, but it’s a great time to talk, and learn a little more about what’s going on in our lives.

I think this is so much more important now as we don’t always take time to eat around the dinner table like I did when I was growing up.

The same is true for breakfast, too.

We grab something for breakfast and eat on the run on the way to school or work.  For dinner, it’s a quick something before heading off to band or sports or some other activity.

Because we are so busy today, you have to make the effort to really spend time with each other.  (Turn your cell phones off during this time, and just focus on your loved ones in front of you!)

This week, I made some accessories to put on cards.  Or use them for “a quick card.”

The first one had something in it and it is ready to go.  The second one is left blank so you can use it to add what you wish.

Go on and download these free goodies at Grannies Print Shop to make your scrapping easier.  Just make ONE card, and send it out!  See how good it feels, and stand back and wait for the reactions!

And now, onto the REAL SHARING.  First off!  This is the blank for the lead in picture at the top for today.  See below.

This last one below is for the weekend!

That's if for the graphics today.  If you buy some ready-made cards and envelopes, half the battle is done.  Just add these graphics.  I like to print them out and paste onto cutup cereal boxes to get the firmness and last-ability.

Just right click and save to your own computer.  All graphics made by me.  Here's my card to share with others!  And thanks!

For ways to use these graphics, please check the first two weeks of posts.      

I appreciate any and all comments.

If you have trouble posting, try several times.  It took me a few times, and others have said that it was hard for them to post.  (You might also try right clicking on the comment to see if that brings it up.)

Have a terrific weekend, and see you Monday. (NOTE:  My blog is run through my personal email on Internet Explorer.  Tomorrow my son is coming over to hook me up so everything goes through Google Chrome and my gmail account.  Unfortunately, gmail doesn’t recognize my blog.  I’m hoping my son can figure all this out, and hopefully, I WILL be back Monday.  If not, I may have to end this blog and start a new one.  Fingers are crossed.)

Cj at Grannies Print; designed to help grandparents reach out to their grandchildren, so that closing the miles equals smiles.  Make a connection again, and let your grandkids know you are thinking of them.  If you consider making a physical card, you are remembering how wonderful it used to be to receive REAL MAIL from friends and family.  It’s a dying art, so I hope you’ll help keep the tradition alive!

Also find me on Instagram at cj.hampton.  Thanks.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Clever Ways to Catch Memories to Share

Good Wednesday morning.  Below are a few clever ways to catch memories to share.  (BTW, I have 10 FREE offerings today, so check them out!)

When you take pictures at an event, get them off your camera right away and into a Word document.  Add memories to each picture right then.  What were you feeling?  What were you trying to capture?  What was so special about this particular picture?  What event is it?  Who is there?  (Try to get one good picture of each person present.)  How is everyone related to each other? 

After you get it finished and edited, PDF it and save it.  Maybe send it out to each person who was present at the event.

Journal your memories.  Take a moment every evening or first thing the next day to jot down the overview for the present/past day.  What was the weather like that day?  Was it a normal routine day (make a list of your normal routine)?  Did your routine change in any way?  Did you have a home repair that day?  Did someone stop by for a visit?  Did you go somewhere unexpected?  Did you eat out that?  Did you go shopping?  Did you go to a medical visit of some kind?  Was there a special show that you watched?  Are binge-watching a series?  WHAT HAPPENED TODAY?

I read an article in ARRP magazine.  The husband bought his wife a beautiful journal for their first anniversary.  He put a lot of thought into its wrapping.  When she opened it, there was a journal entry for their first year of marriage together.  That was the gift.  It was the memory.  The book was only the way to hold the gift.

Before each anniversary, he asked for the book.  After writing his entry for that year, he carefully wrapped it again, and placed it where his wife would find it first thing the next morning.  Again, she would unwrap the book and read its contents.  He was very good at capturing the essence of what had happened each year.

This tradition continued each year.  Now after many, many years together, they have a book of cherished memories.

And when someone passes on, this becomes even more cherished!

Do you or your spouse have what it takes to do this kind of memory-keeping?  Wouldn’t it be fantastic!

With all that done, I’ve been building quick frame temples for you to use.  Go on and download these free goodies at Grannies Print Shop to make your scrapping easier.  Just make ONE card, and send it out!  See how good it feels, and stand back and wait for the reactions!

And now, onto the REAL SHARING.  First off!  This is Sky Blue Punk, and he is ready to get dressed for Halloween.  He doesn't have his mask on yet; see above.

Below:  This is card ready.

The next three items are quick frames.  Just put your picture in and decorate more, if you wish.

The next four items are accessories.  Add to them to accessorize more, and then put them on a card.

That's if for the graphics today.  If you buy some ready made cards and envelopes, half the battle is done.  Just add these graphics.  I like to print them out and paste onto cutup cereal boxes to get the firmness and last-ability.

Just right click and save to your own computer.  All graphics made by me.

Here's my card to share with others!  And thanks!

For ways to use these graphics, please check the first two weeks of posts.      

I appreciate any and all comments.

If you have trouble posting, try several times.  It took me a few times, and others have said that it was hard for them to post.  (You might also try right clicking on the comment to see if that brings it up.)

Have a terrific day, and see you Friday.

Cj at Grannies Print; designed to help grandparents reach out to their grandchildren, so that closing the miles equals smiles.  Make a connection again, and let your grandkids know you are thinking of them.  If you consider making a physical card, you are remembering how wonderful it used to be to receive REAL MAIL from friends and family.  It’s a dying art, so I hope you’ll help keep the tradition alive!

Also find me on Instagram at cj.hampton.  Thanks.

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Monday, September 26, 2016

Family Trees

Good Monday morning.  Family trees are very informative.  I worked on mine today.  (BTW, I have 10 FREE offerings today, so check them out.)

On my family private group, I was thinking about family trees.  I sat down and started putting ours together, one family at a time.

There’s been divorce, and there’s been death.

I wanted to have one place the family could come and see how we are all related.  It was a long project, this morning, but it is done.

I made mine using pictures.  I placed the names over each person.

It really looks nice, and I hope my family will enjoy it.

Have you thought of doing your family tree?

It was also my day to send out my letters to my grandkids and mom.  They are all ready to assemble and mail out!

With all that done, I’ve been building quick frame temples for you to use.  Go on and download these free goodies at Grannies Print Shop to make your scrapping easier.  Just make ONE card, and send it out!  See how good it feels, and stand back and wait for the reactions!

And now, onto the REAL SHARING.  First off!  A fun coloring page!!!  Try it, you’ll like it!

Below:  3 more hearts to go with the lead-in heart at the top.

Below:  Two quick frames that I made on Saturday for my granddaughters' pictures.  Put your own pictures inside.

Below:  This is a little stamp to add as an accessory for the quick frames.  It is a Funky Punk Critter named Myrtle.  (See frame below stamp.)

That’s it for the graphics today.

To make creating easier, you can buy blank cards with envelopes.  I use those from time-to-time, when I need a quick card in a hurry.
If you’d like to take the next step, and need tools to do it; look no further.  Go on!  Just right click, copy, save as, and start your journey today!  Put a smile on the faces of those you love.  Erase the miles between you.  It’s fun!  And now, it’s so easy.

Here’s my card to share, share, share with others!  And, thank you!

For ways to use these graphics, please check the first two weeks of posts.      

I appreciate any and all comments.
If you have trouble posting, try several times.  It took me a few times, and others have said that it was hard for them to post.  (You might also try right clicking on the comment to see if that brings it up.)

Have a terrific day, and see you Wednesday.

Cj at Grannies Print; designed to help grandparents reach out to their grandchildren, so that closing the miles equals smiles.  Make a connection again, and let your grandkids know you are thinking of them.  If you consider making a physical card, you are remembering how wonderful it used to be to receive REAL MAIL from friends and family.  It’s a dying art, so I hope you’ll help keep the tradition alive!

Also find me on Instagram at cj.hampton.  Thanks.

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Friday, September 23, 2016

Feeling a Whole Lotta Love!

Good Friday morning, and I'm feeling a whole lotta love.  I have 6 FREE offerings today so check them out.

Ever had one of those days where you’re BURSTING WITH LOVE?  It happens.

Wouldn’t it be sweet to place this little card on the table next to breakfast for someone special in your life?

Don’t let those special feelings get by you.  Put it out there now!  You never know what today holds.

So go ahead.  Download these free goodies at Grannies Print Shop to make your scrapping easier.  Just make ONE card, and send it out!  See how good it feels, and stand back and wait for the reactions!

And now, onto the REAL SHARING.  First off!  A fun coloring page!!!  Try it, you’ll like it!

I have some great quick frames for you today.  All of them are adorable, so grab each one.  Then go on, and put “a whole lotta love” into your creations for all those you love.

Below:  A very colorful quick frame that is quite exciting.  Put your picture in, add some accessories like rhinestones, glitter, little flowers, or words.  Voila!  Card is done!

Below:  Just a "happy" little card.

Below:  This card is very open so you can add what you want.  Put in a big picture or divide it up and make it totally your own.

Below:  If you have a sister you love, this is a fun little card.  Just add your title.  If you want, print it out and put a picture of the two of you where the two sisters are in the box.

Below:  This could be a little sign you hang on your door knob when you're just not ready to face the world yet.  Or, use it for a card.

That’s it for the graphics today.

To make creating easier, you can buy blank cards with envelopes.  I use those from time-to-time, when I need a quick card in a hurry.

If you’d like to take the next step, and need tools to do it; look no further.  Go on!  Just right click, copy, save as, and start your journey today!  Put a smile on the faces of those you love.  Erase the miles between you.  It’s fun!  And now, it’s so easy.


Here’s my card to share, share, share with others!  And, thank you!

For ways to use these graphics, please check the first two weeks of posts.      

I appreciate any and all comments.

If you have trouble posting, try several times.  It took me a few times, and others have said that it was hard for them to post.  (You might also try right clicking on the comment to see if that brings it up.)

Have a terrific weekend, and see you Monday.


Cj at Grannies Print; designed to help grandparents reach out to their grandchildren, so that closing the miles equals smiles.  Make a connection again, and let your grandkids know you are thinking of them.  If you consider making a physical card, you are remembering how wonderful it used to be to receive REAL MAIL from friends and family.  It’s a dying art, so I hope you’ll help keep the tradition alive!


Also find me on Instagram at cj.hampton.  Thanks.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Make the Most of Your Day

Good Wednesday morning, and let's make the most of your day.  I have 9 FREE offerings today, so check them out.

Do you a plan for getting things done each day?  Do you make the most of your day?

For me, it’s doing my art work.  Even when I was working, I got up about 1:30 am, as I left for work about 5:30 am.  I had about 2 to 3 hours to do indulge in my art.  It’s easier, though, as I came home tired every day, and was usually sleeping by 5:30 pm or 6 pm.

Now that I’m retired, it doesn’t matter when or how much I sleep.  I can nap anytime I like.

Since I started my “scrap a picture for each of my two granddaughters daily” project, it became the activity I didn’t want to miss.  So doing this first every morning was my goal!

In the beginning, I would text the pictures to them.  This caused my cell phone bill to go up.

Then I hit on making a family Facebook page and now I post directly there.  I do a picture for each granddaughter daily, but adding my family members to the group, I also do about 4-6 more pictures of someone else in my family group.  (My cell phone bill went back down.)

I have a lot of physical pictures, too, as well as the digital ones on my computer and phone.

One really fantastic thing that my oldest granddaughter introduced to her mom, sister and me is Snap Chat.

It’s a free program that allows you to send funny pictures of yourself to each other.  The program uses filters, and what I didn’t realize is that they change the filters from time to time.  So, if you use it, make sure you keep checking.

You can take a print screen of your picture or theirs right from your phone.  Press your home button at the same time you press the ON/OFF switch.  Snap Chat tells you can do this.

The thing with Snap Chat is:  it shows you the picture once or a video once, and then it disappears.  I don’t always get each one, but I get a lot of them. 

We had another fun time again last night snap-chatting pictures back and forth to each other.  It’s such a blast.

Here is an example of one of my pictures.
My daughter and granddaughters started the session that evening.  We had been watching TV, and we had our lights off.  I took this with very little light, and wanted it that way as I felt it added to the picture.  This program is a real hoot, so if you haven’t started playing with it, go get it!
I posted a lot of that first session in our family group.  Last night, as I said, we did some more.
While these are funny, the other thing about posting all my pictures to our small family group is that it caused my middle son to ask questions about my past.
He saw a bunch of OLD pictures, like when I was 2 and living with my grandmother, and he also saw some other family members, which caused him to ask lots of questions.
I had posted some of the information with the pictures right on Facebook, but people, even MY kids, don’t always take time to read the actual words.  Someday, when I am gone, I’m sure they will be scouring the page again, ready to drink in what I actually wrote.
Instead, my son texted me and said, “It’s been a while since we chatted.  Can we do it at 1 pm?  I texted back, “Would love it!”
Skype appointment made, and we talked for two hours.  That last hour was his many questions about relatives, and what had happened and when.  There were so many stories he didn’t know about.  By the time we stopped chatting, he said, “I wish I had recorded this!”
And that is really very funny. Why?  Because when my first husband’s mother came for a two-week summer visit, before she died, we had sat out on our patio one afternoon, recording all her old stories.  These are pieces of your history that you can only get while they are still here, living and breathing!
Doesn’t that feel like making the most of a day?  Oh yes, it does!
It’s the little projects that we start in our life, and eventually turns into something more.
So what it is that will cause you do something to make the most of your day?  Find a way to do it.
With that said, let’s move on!
So go ahead.  Download these free goodies at Grannies Print Shop to make your scrapping easier.  Just make ONE card, and send it out!  See how good it feels, and stand back and wait for the reactions!
And now, onto the REAL SHARING.  First off!  Here’s the picture of the pumpkin I tried to post on Monday, and wouldn’t post.
He’d be great on a Thanksgiving or Halloween card, right?
Below:  A quick frame I made my one of my granddaughters.  I put her name in yellow letters in the petals, starting at the far left, just below center, and worked them around.  You may need to place them differently is the name you are using is longer.

Below:  Base frame for my creation.  Accessories are below the base frame.

Below:  Decorated frame.

Below:  Make a couple of joke cards.  We all love jokes!

Below:  A card to let them know how you feel!

That’s it for the graphics today.
To make creating easier, you can buy blank cards with envelopes.  I use those from time-to-time, when I need a quick card in a hurry.
If you’d like to take the next step, and need tools to do it; look no further.  Go on!  Just right click, copy, save as, and start your journey today!  Put a smile on the faces of those you love.  Erase the miles between you.  It’s fun!  And now, it’s so easy.
Here’s my card to share, share, share with others!  And, thank you!

For ways to use these graphics, please check the first two weeks of posts.      

I appreciate any and all comments.

If you have trouble posting, try several times.  It took me a few times, and others have said that it was hard for them to post.  (You might also try right clicking on the comment to see if that brings it up.)

Have a terrific day, and see you Friday.
NOTE:  Sorry this posted on Thursday.  I had computer problems.  Thanks!

Cj at Grannies Print; designed to help grandparents reach out to their grandchildren, so that closing the miles equals smiles.  Make a connection again, and let your grandkids know you are thinking of them.  If you consider making a physical card, you are remembering how wonderful it used to be to receive REAL MAIL from friends and family.  It’s a dying art, so I hope you’ll help keep the tradition alive!

Also find me on Instagram at cj.hampton.  Thanks.

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